Poetic Champions Compose

~~She'll loan you her toothbrush, She'll bartend your party~~

EMAIL ME! -- pesadidas[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

Saturday, September 25, 2004
  Without a Trace

I had no idea there was a new Patricia Cornwell novel released. What's worse, I didn't know it was another Scarpetta novel.

I stumbled across it last night at my local Barnes & Noble, and of course, had to purchase it. I began reading it today at around 1pm. I finished it this evening at around 7:30pm.

I must say that this newest installment of the Scarpetta series went over much better with me than the last one did. I just was not happy with Blow Fly for some reason--well, mostly because the ending just seemed...rushed in that last one. I actually really, really liked Trace. I felt while I was reading it that this was what a Scarpetta novel should be. This was like the Scarpetta of old. Back to the days of Postmortem and The Body Farm. With the last few books, Cornwell seemed to be getting a tad off track from what we Scarpetta-faithful had come to love and expect of our heroine. Things were becoming a bit too far-fetched. I mean, come on--a wolfman?

Trace feels like everything is back where it belongs. Scarpetta and Marino, back on cases--and back in Virginia. Benton, still getting inside people's brains. Lucy, still making bad relationship decisions--despite her incredible intellect.

I finished reading, and Cornwell has left me craving more.

Aah yes. Just like old times.

Good times.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
I just read an article on USAToday.com (that was thankfully pointed out by Rebel Prince over at his blog) about the Mad TVseason premiere. It will feature a sketch called "The Amazing Presidential Race," and it will showcase everyone's favorite duo from The Amazing Race 5, Charla and Mirna! Apparently, there will even be a spoof of the Race in which Charla carries a 50 lb. side of beef! Yay!!!

Gosh, I miss those two on that race...
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Tegan & Sara - 'So Jealous'I likes me some good tunes. That much is true.

If you, too, like you some good tunes, go get the new Tegan & Sara album, So Jealous.

What? What's that you say? You don't know who Tegan & Sara are?

Well, don't feel bad. Lots of people don't. But some do now. And some are even fellow Canadians.

I must say, I am one of those people who suffers great ambivalence when it comes time for a release of a new album from one of my favorite artists. I become giddy with anticipation for that fateful first listen of a cd. But at the same time, I dread it--especially if the last album the artist released was exceptional. I have this same problem when attending concerts. I am always afraid that the cd or show prior will have been better; that somehow the new material or show won't hold up and won't be as good.

So far, I have not been even close to disappointed. Let's review:

The Cure--The Cure: An AWESOME album, in typical Robert Smith fashion. "I can't find myself..."
Melissa Etheridge--Lucky: Some of her best work in a LONG time
Garrison Starr--Airstreams & Satellites: If I say anything else about G*Starr on this site, Zam will kill me and we will have to change the title to "Garrison Starr Composes" (but, she is AMAZING--as is this album)
Tori Amos--Scarlet's Walk: "Taxi Ride" could be one of my favorite Tori songs ever.
Indigo Girls--All That We Let In: A wonderful album--I still cannot stop listening to "Tether"
Alanis Morrisette--So-Called Chaos: What a great freakin' album. "Knees of My Bees?" Love. It. LOVEIT.
Rufus Wainwright--Want One: Talk about a song--"Oh What a World" is absolute genius. Ravel. Rufus. Together. It's a "10." (Ok, that's a minus 15 points for the bad "Bolero" joke.)

You get the idea here?

Which brings me to Tegan & Sara. The Calgary Wonder Twins. These 2 chicks are insanely talented. And their music kicks ass. I thought their last album, If It Was You, was brilliant. The new album, So Jealous, is totally living up to the tough act it has to follow. After only one full day of listening, there are already three songs emerging as the heavily favored:

1. Where Does the Good Go
2. I Know I Know I Know
3. I Won't Be Left

It's the classic Tegan & Sara style--harmonious blending vocals and often rugged overlapping acoustic guitar. It's so beautifully terrific.

And, so, in honor of this amazing album, I give you my favorite track:

Tegan & Sara -- Where Does the Good Go
[The good has now gone. Sorry.]

Get it while you can. And if you like it, go buy their albums.

Nuttin' better than a pair of lyrically and musically gifted lesbian identical twins from Canada, I always say.
  The Freak Cheek®
Well, just to update everyone out there who was concerned about the increasing size of my bitten cheek, the good news is that the swelling and redness have subsided for the most part.

Said cheek is now almost back to normal size, with only a small remaining spot (which is actually a tiny scab from all the initial itching I did before the sucker ballooned up).

All is well.

Now I just have to deal with my usual Freak Face®. But, I have had that all my life.
Monday, September 13, 2004
  I'm hideously deformed.
Did I mention that yesterday I participated in our local walk for Autism Awareness?

Well, I did walk yesterday.

And, as payment for my good deed (I raised $150), guess what I got.

I got a bug bite the size of Des Moine.

Wanna know what's even better about this?

I got it on my cheekbone.

Yes, you heard right. I said cheekbone.

Only me.

This thing has managed to (at the very least) triple in size throughout today. When I woke up this morning, my cheekbone was be-specked by one trivial red spot. It was itchy, but nothing I couldn't live with.

As the day continued, however, I noticed the itching more and more. When I got home from school tonight--a full 12 hours after I had arrived (don't ask...I will be missing school tomorrow due to some sort of training I have been snookered into, and hence, I was preparing for a sub--a daunting task for someone as OCD and anally neat and organized as I am, especially so early in the year, when, I fear, I have not had sufficient time to "train" the cherubs as to the ways of my classroom...)--I took note of the epic proportions to which the bite had managed to swell.

I have Franken-face.

But, I have a left cheekbone that would now make James Marsters jealous.

Well, either him, or the kid from Mask.
  Here's what I am wondering...
...how can my life POSSIBLY be so boring that I cannot (when I now finally have a moment to sit down and blog) think of anything to blog about?

I'd like to slap myself.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
  I have now OFFICIALLY heard it all.
Overheard today while shopping at my favorite local Mennonite country store:

Blonde lady: (to Mennonite girls working in the "deli" section) Hey, do any of you guys know how many ounces are in a pound?

Mennonite girls: *mumbled response I couldn't hear*

Blonde lady: 16? Really? Hmm... So, 16 ounces equals one pound....

The jaws of The Suz and I instanty fell slack for a good 30 seconds before The Suz was able to look at me and say, "Maybe I am not quite as dumb as I have always thought I was..."

And, as I was walking out the door with my goods in tow, I heard the lady STILL marvelling over the concept that a pound possesses 16 ounces.

I thought the process of natural selection was supposed to kill off the weaker of the species, no?
There's a dream where the contents are visible
Where the poetic champions compose...

~Van Morrison, "Queen of the Slipstream"

Edgar Allan Poe

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Four Emus
Promises were MADE to be broken.
Oh. My. God. An ACTUAL POST.
That's Gonna Leave a Mark...
This One's For Gretchen...
Anyone can make it if they learn how to shake it.
Back in the saddle...
Gig'em THIS.

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  • What I am READING Now...

    Check out the list in my posts for current summer reads...


    FX's Buffy Site
    Yzerman Cup Fantasy Hockey
    Garrison Starr Official Site
    Dubya Speak
    Official Ellen DeGeneres site
    The Onion
    Eddie Bauer Online

    BUFFY Quotes of the Day
    Anya: It's possible that he's in the land of perpetual Wednesday, or the crazy melty land, or you know, th-the world without shrimp.
    Tara: There's a world without shrimp? I'm allergic.

    ~from "Triangle"

    Anya: I don't see you winning too many beauty contests... unless the Miss "My Face Fell Off" Pageant gets going.

    ~from "Bargaining: Part Two"

    Anya: Here's a little something you should know about Vengeance Demons. We don't groove with the "sorry." We prefer the "Oh God, please stop hitting me with my own rib-bones!"

    ~from "Same Time, Same Place"

    Buffy: It's just like, nothing's simple. I'm always trying to work it out. Who to hate, or love...who to trust...It's like the more I know, the more confused I get.
    Giles: I believe thats called growing up.
    Buffy: I'd like to stop then, ok?

    ~from "Lie to Me"

    Riley: Got big stories to tell you, too. We get half a sec, we can compare and contrast.
    Buffy: Did you die?
    Riley: No.
    Buffy: I'm gonna win.

    ~from "As You Were"

    Xander: Giles lived for school. He's still bitter there were only 12 grades.
    Buffy: He probably sat in math class thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier!"

    ~from "The Dark Age"

    Giles: In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may have appeared to change.

    ~from "Lessons"

    Dawn: How are you?
    Willow: A little confused. I mean, I'm sweaty, I'm trapped, no memory, hiding in a pipe from a vampire...and I think I'm kinda gay.

    ~from "Tabula Rasa"


    101 Reasons Why I Love Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I'm a Woman, so, my mood is always subject to change, but at the moment it's... The current mood of PDawg at www.imood.com

    iPod Mini

    I'm beginning to understand this now. It's all about the journey, isn't it?

    ~Giles, "Restless"

    The End of an Era

    Once More, From the Top...