I was at the doctor yesterday. It must be time to go back to school. Seems like I make a pilgrimage to the doctor's office prior to the start of school more often than I would like. Remember the Carribbean Death Bug™? I had to make a trip to the doctor because I have somehow managed to contract a BLOCKBUSTER case of some sort of poison--be it ivy, oak, sumac, or judging by the looks of it, some unheard of mutant poison that kills its victims slowly, from the inside out while they help kill themselves by clawing their way in through their own skin--all over my arms. Well, mostly on my left forearm. And, well, I think it's poison. My doctor didn't look at it all that closely. He would have rather chit- chatted with me about work and why I am not coaching at all, and yada yada yada, and wow, your arm looks bad, and you really should get back into coaching, yada yada yada, and here's a shot and some pills, and it should clear right up. So, how bad is it, you ask? Oh, it's BAD. However, I am on the road to recovery. Prednisone has cleared up the swelling, the redness and itching are beginning to go away, and the large blistery areas have (eew gross) formed scab-like crusts. I have been asked several times if I burned my arm. One administrator at school asked if it was flesh-eating bacteria. Zam is on stand-by with sterilized hacksaw at the ready should I need an amputation. It's kind of fun to watch everyone recoil in horror when they see it. I do readily admit, it is not for the weak-stomached or the faint of heart. This shizzle is fo' grizzle. It's a grizly sight, indeed. Photographic evidence will be forthcoming. |
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