Ok, so I watched the finale of "Temptation Island 3" tonight. Quite frankly, I am ashamed that I did, but I felt that I needed to see it through to fruition since I had invested so much time in it to date.
Allow me to say this: this edition of the show was the worst yet. Yes, I began watching "Temptation Island" during its first season because one of the "Temptresses" was from my town. But, that first season was so crazy and wild and just, well, raunchy, that I was hooked. The second season rolled around, and although I didn't want to watch, I had been so mesmerized by the initial season, I tuned in despite my own logical objections. The second season was OK compared to the first--not terribly stinky, but not overly fantastic, either. THIS season rolled around, and I was giddy with anticipation. I was sure that the show would redeem itself after a lackluster 2nd season. No such luck. I wanted to slap these people. They were total idiots. Well, not everyone, but, quite a few. Namely, I'd like to focus on the doofus, Michael. This guy is an idiot. On the first show, when all the tempting girls were giving bracelets to the 4 girlfriends to indicate that they were attracted to their boyfriend, guess how many Michael's girlfriend got. ZERO. She got ZERO many. Hmm...is that some foreshadowing? Apparently, it was as if the girls had thrown down the gauntlet to this lunkhead. He took it upon himself to MAKE them find him attractive. What a schmuck. From the minute he was separated from his girlfriend, Michael was (in his own words) like "a kid in a candy store." He was all over various girls and acted up quite a bit--especially with the in-the-pool activities and dancing. THEN, once he found a girl who liked him, he ditched her the next day to "connect" with another. He had a progressive string of chicks by the end of the whole thing. He was caught on tape, several times, "talking dirty" with one of the chicks, and FOX actually had to blur out his hand gestures during the talk. What a charmer. Apparently, though, he seemed to have forgotten all of this was being recorded for his girlfriend to see, because when the time came at the end to make a final decision, he was quite confident that he and his girlfriend would be getting married. I haven't laughed so hard in a LONG time as when he said that. That poor girlfriend of his was SHOCKED to see him behaving in such a manner. Shocked enough to dump his ass at the end of the show! And to top things off, MICHAEL had the nerve to be angry with HER! He refused to talk to her and stormed off. Did he forget what he had done for the previous two weeks while he was away from her? He wanted "credit" for not picking the girl that he was REALLY attracted to (dirty talk girl) to go on the final date. What a maroon. Amazing how incensed I can become over this. I want "The Amazing Race" back. |
Hey, yo. Check out this article about Dr. Michael Adams and his book Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon. |
I just love Rufus Wainwright. The man has a voice that is so strong and so true, it's fantastic. I know this because I first heard Rufus perform live when he opened up for Tori Amos a few years ago. From the moment he opened his mouth to sing, I was in awe. The dude almost didn't need a P.A. system. He's THAT good. He also writes his own music. And it is brilliant. Huge orchestral arrangements and symphonic accompaniments. Amazing. I bought his 2nd album, "Poses," right after we saw him in concert. I am surprised I haven't worn it out yet. It is one of the best albums I have ever owned. EVER. Every single song on it is excellent. Beautiful music, poetic lyrics, and that amazing voice. For two years, I waited patiently for a 3rd album from our Rufus. Last week, my patience was rewarded. The release of "Want One" was a highly anticipated event for me, and I was hoping that I would not be disappointed. I was not. Go out and buy this album. Now. Run, don't walk. It's THAT good. |
What is there to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon in late September? (I'll let you think about that for a second.) I asked myself that very question and I could come up with only one answer:
Not much around here. September has been a weird time of year this year because the weather just can't decide what it wants to do. I can never tell how I should dress because the weather will change every half hour. When I woke up this morning, it was cool out, so I put on a long sleeved t-shirt. By 1:00pm, however, it was so freakin' humid I couldn't stand it. Then, around 3:00, with a background of BRIGHT blue skies and puffy white clouds, I looked out the window to see it pouring down rain. This is crazy. It's like living in New England. It had been several months, though, since my last screening of OMWF, and as I watched the episode in its entirety again today, I was reminded of just how good season 6 of the show actually was. It got a bad rap because of its dark and depressing nature, but the more I watch the shows, the more I begin to notice the layers and intricacies inherent in the whole story arc for the season, as well as the individual character arcs. OMWF is one of my favorite episodes that the series has ever produced, as it is for most fans. How can it NOT be? The whole idea of Buffy: the Musical is brilliant, the songs are truly catchy and well-sung by the cast, and the premise is totally plausible, all the while furthering the plot and the story arc for the season. Yet, another one of my favorite episodes, "Tabula Rasa," is often overlooked, perhaps because it appeared in the shadow of OMWF. Tabula Rasa was the next episode to air after OMWF in season 6, and it is a roller-coaster ride of emotion for all involved--the characters and the viewer. After I finished OMWF, I dug through my VHS tapes and found my copy of "Tabula Rasa" and popped that in the VCR. I hopped on the emotional roller coaster and watched. It amazes me every time I sit through the episode. This show makes me want to cry, then makes me laugh out loud, before it brings me back to the point of tears as Willow sits in tears on the bedroom floor, Tara packs her bags to move out, and Giles boards an airplane to head back to England for good, while Michelle Branch sings "Goodbye to You" at the Bronze. What a great show. So, I suppose that late September is good for something. There's never a wrong time for a Buffy-thon. However, it is not conducive to getting any school work done. |
I think you will find, Ma'am, that your car will move faster when you simply press on that right-hand pedal, thereby accelerating YOUR car, and consequently allowing MY car, which is situated BEHIND your car, to also accelerate. This simultaneous acceleration will also allow both YOU and I to arrive at our respective places of employment sooner than if you had not pressed the right-hand pedal slightly harder than usual. *sigh* I hate country roads with no passing zones when you are late in the morning. |
Ok, so I don't know if I want to actually say this, for fear of jinxing it, but...there are honestly some good-looking shows for this television season.There are a few currently in progress which I watch and enjoy, and some new seasons will be kicking off this week. Yee Haw!
By far, the best new show that has been introduced this year is "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." I LOVE THIS SHOW. I cannot get enough of those guys. They have more one-liners than anyone. And they are all so adorable. This past week's episode featured the BIGGEST project for the poor guys yet. He truly was hopeless when they started with him, and he ended up slightly less hopeless by the end of the show, but, nowhere close to fixed. I love those guys. Also on my list of shows I watch are "Temptation Island 3" (one of my guilty pleasures--I got hooked when I tuned into the first show to see a girl I went to high school with who was one of the final date-goers), "The Bachelor" (I cannot WAIT to see what happens on this one--WTF is with the dramatic ambulance?!? Did someone hyperventilate after seeing Bob kiss another girl?), "Extreme Makeover," and I think I will break down and succumb to the gravitational pull of the final season of "Friends." Everyone seems to be under the thrall of the 11th season, and I too, have fallen victim. It is like I am caught in a tractor beam and it is sucking me in. Aside from that, I watch very little TV, unless it's a "Buffy" or a "Seinfeld." No matter what, though, nothing can replace the "Buffyverse"--"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel." BtVS is the all-time greatest show in the world. Thank goodness for DVD sets. |
I totally have to stop blogging before bedtime. Last night I had a crazy dream that I was on some sort of "Thelma & Louise"-esque mission with Mac from Go Fish. It was totally bizarre, and freaked me out when I woke up because I never remember my dreams.
I think that blogging is becoming more of a priority for me and less of an afterthought. It's crazy, but I actually find that during the day when things happen, I am constantly plotting in my mind how I will blog about the events. My inner monologue has become one big blog narration. It's scary. Especially since I have a readership of about 3. |
I seriously thought I was going to have to get out of my car and paddle. This past FRIDAY was supposed to have been the hurricane. That was NOTHING compared to this morning. And, there was virtually no indication from the weather "experts" to give me even the tiniest inkling that the rains were going to be of borderline Biblical proportions. "Yes," they said, "it will rain." Never did they say, "Check your survival kit and make sure you have hip waders in your glove compartment." My normal 20 minute drive to work took me nearly an hour this morning. In most professions, this may or may not be a big deal. But, I'm screwed if I don't get there before the kids do. Thank goodness my coffee pot has a timer that I set the evening before I leave. My ready and waiting piping hot coffee was my only saving grace this morning. It wrapped its warm arms around me and gave me a hug that said, "Don't worry about the apocalyptic-sized amounts of rain outside. You're here now. Drink me, and you will feel better." And I did. But I am still sore with Dave Roberts...Angel's dad or not. |
That is all I have been hearing about. The storm the size of Texas. 125 mph winds. 45 foot waves. It shall bring death and destruction. There is even talk of closing school. WTF?!? I mean, really. Should I be building an ark? People act as if the apocalypse is upon us. Should I be worried? Am I ill-prepared because I haven't gone and bought a supply of milk, eggs and bread for the next 2 weeks? I mean, come on...when it all turns out to be not as bad as the weather guy has been telling us, then what do you do with all that bread, milk and eggs? Contrary to popular belief, there is a limit to how much French toast one person can eat. |
Maynard rocks. |
On a lighter note...
I think I have come up with a hockey team name. It's "Seinfeldian.": "Schmoopey's MAN-HANDlers." Coming soon...the "sock-asin" story. |
I just wanted to share the world's coolest website with everyone. It's called BookCrossing. The whole concept makes me all tingly inside just thinking about it. Here's the dilli-yo. You have old books that you've read. They are sitting on shelves or in boxes collecting dust. Rather than have them take up space and go unread, why not share them with the world? Go to BookCrossing and register your book. Or books. You get a unique ID number for YOUR book. Then you either handwrite the ID number in the front cover of your book with a message explaining the concept of BookCrossing, or you can print nifty labels from the website which you then affix in the front cover of the book. Then--here's the cool part--you RELEASE your book. That's right. Release it. Go to a public place. Or a not-so-public place. Leave your book there for someone to find it, and (hopefully) read it. They can go online and enter the book's ID number and leave an entry as to where they found the book and their experience with the book. You can track your book's whereabouts and see how it is doing. You can also "hunt" for books near you. Locations are broken down first by country, then state for those of us in the USA, and even town/city. People will leave a name of a place, an address, or just a vague clue as to where they left their book. It's up to you to find it. For example, just browsing the places here in PA, two books were recently left in Gettysburg. One at Devil's Den, and one at Little Roundtop. Imagine walking the Battlefield, taking in all of the history and stumbling across a book, only to find a BookCrossing label in the front cover...and then you know...it was waiting for you to pick it up and read it. And then it's your job to release it again for someone else. Cool. So, sooo cool. |
Here is the challenge: Name my Fantasy Hockey team. I am at an impasse. I don't want to keep my team name from last year because half the fun of playing Fantasy Hockey is seeing all the team names. My friends are so witty. So, I need help. I've been straining my brain for some sort of pop culture reference--Seinfeld, Buffy, Simpsons...whatever. Hit me with your best shot. And quickly. I have got till Saturday. |
CHAOS BLEEDS This past weekend was a very Buffy oriented one for me. To start, I watched a few episodes of Angel Season 2 on DVD. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to watch very many due to the issues mentioned in the previous post. Far too much work to allow for sufficient Angel watching. I also went out and splurged after reading an article in "Playstation Magazine" about the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds game. "PSM" gave the game a rating of 9 out of 10. This is not something that they hand out to just any game. Of course, I would expect nothing less, seeing as how the first game for XBox was absolutley great. (I have an XBox for the sole reason that the first Buffy game was produced ONLY for XBox--yes, I'm a freak.) So, I bought the new game, and it's very good as far as the game itself goes. However, while the addition to this game of Amber Benson doing voiceovers as Tara is fantastic, I am a bit disappointed that not only does Sarah Michelle Gellar NOT do voiceovers (no surprise--she didn't do the first game), but neither does Emma Caulfield as Anya, or Alyson Hannigan as Willow. Granted, Emma wasn't in the first one because that game was set before the arrival of Anya on the show, so the disappointment is less in that case. But, Aly not coming back for round 2 and doing the voice of Willow is hard to take. She developed such a distinct cadence to Willow's speech that it is impossible for another actor to duplicate it and it comes off sounding stupid. The final Buffy-related item that arrived this weekend was my season 5 cast poster. On a similar note, I am apparently not the only one who is becoming addicted to Buffy. I have gotten one of my colleagues hooked. I loaned her my season 1 DVD's so that she could start watching from the beginning, and she told me Monday morning that she basically spent her Saturday watching all 12 hours in a row because she JUST COULDN'T STOP. I love it. |
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