My one remaining reality TV addiction for the summer has been The Amazing Race. I have to admit that of the final four teams, there was not one that I disliked. As a matter of fact, I rather liked all of them and was having trouble deciding in whose corner I should be. Last night's episode almost gave me an aneurysm. My two favorite teams were both in peril. I had decided that, of the four teams, I would have to hope that David & Jeff were eliminated. Unfortunately, it quickly became obvious that that was not going to happen, as they immediately went for the Fast Forward. The race came down to the fact that my #1 team, Reichen & Chip (well, mostly Chip) screwed up big time by not reading their instructions carefully. Rather than travelling on foot, they chose to drive, and were assessed a 35 minute penalty for the infraction. If my #2 team, Jon & Al (better known as The Clowns), arrived at the pit stop before the 35 minute penalty had expired, Reichen & Chip would be eliminated. If they did not, The Clowns were done. I was a wreck. Either way, one of the two teams I was pulling for was going to be eliminated. Sadly, The Clowns did not make it. The final reflection that these two guys offered at the end of the show almost reduced me to tears. What a genuine and truly wonderful pair of guys. Jon seems to be a great husband and father, as his love for his family was quite evident. They may be clowns by profession, but by golly, they are seriously terrific men and human beings. |
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