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Monday, August 02, 2004
  Maybe we didn't understand, It's just the end of the world...
So, last night, I was at the Curiosa Festival, which made a stop in Philadelphia (ok, it was the Tweeter Center in Camden, but, it's practically Philly). The festival featured 8 bands--most of which we had never heard of before. Thursday and Interpol were the only two besides The Cure that we knew of. We arrived sometime around 6pm, hoping to maybe catch a band or two that we would like--great new music is always a good thing. We figured that since the bands were hand-picked by The Cure, they couldn't be all bad. We were wrong. When we got there and found our seats, Mogwai was just finishing up their last song. Well, maybe "song" is being generous. I should say that they were finishing up the end of their loud, discordant cacophony. *Whew* Thank goodness we only had to hear the end of that one. Another band on the B-Stage gave our poor ears a break for about 30 minutes. The next band on the main stage was Rapture. Personally, I thought that they started off strong, but then began to stink more and more as they got further and further into their set. Brian, on the other hand, said, "They sucked from the start." Interpol was the only Main Stage act (besides The Cure) that we actually enjoyed.

Going into the event, we knew that Thursday is a band that we enjoy; imagine our disappointment upon our arrival to find that they were relegated to the B-Stage. After sitting through the end of Mogwai, and all of Rapture--both of whom played on the Main Stage--we were even more baffled as to why Thursday played on the B-Stage.

Of course, the only reason that we even went was for one more chance to see The Cure live, so, sitting through the other bands was relatively worth it.

The Cure was just amazing. Robert Smith is still as strong as ever with his vocals, and they just happened to play virtually all of my favorite Cure tunes. I am not one who is good at remembering setlists, but the following are the songs that I can definitely remember were played:

Fascination Street
Love Song
Pictures of You
The End of the World
Maybe Someday
Just Like Heaven
In-Between Days
Charlotte Sometimes (what a great surprise this one was!)
(I Don't Know What's Going) On
Boys Don't Cry (second encore)

I can tell you, one of the highlights of the show was when Robert Smith, after playing several songs from Disintegration, introduced yet another Disintegration tune with, "Here's another song from our new album--called Disintegration." But, come on...who doesn't LOVE that album?

Anyway, it was a great show overall. And, of course, here is the obligatory camera phone pic:

The microscopic Cure, during 'Faith'

(You can't tell from this picture, but we had some pretty great seats. They were probably the best seats I have ever had for a Tweeter Center show. There were 3 rows of VIP seating in front of us, and we were the first row in the 200's section--dead center, right next to the sound guys. I had all the leg room in the world. It was like luxury seating. Aahhh....)
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    Tara: There's a world without shrimp? I'm allergic.

    ~from "Triangle"

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    Giles: I believe thats called growing up.
    Buffy: I'd like to stop then, ok?

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    Riley: No.
    Buffy: I'm gonna win.

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    Buffy: He probably sat in math class thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier!"

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    Giles: In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may have appeared to change.

    ~from "Lessons"

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    Willow: A little confused. I mean, I'm sweaty, I'm trapped, no memory, hiding in a pipe from a vampire...and I think I'm kinda gay.

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