Poetic Champions Compose

~~She'll loan you her toothbrush, She'll bartend your party~~

EMAIL ME! -- pesadidas[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Ok, I totally need to finish this story about NYC because it is SOOOO last weekend.

Anyway, this part needs to be recorded for posterity because it is just such a cool story.

So, think back to my last post...we had just left our hero and heroines as they finally arrived at McSorley's...

*Dreamy music begins and vision becomes wavy and blurry*

Well, Larry began to explain to us why he had been having such a good time all by himself while we were at the show. It turns out that when he arrived at the bar, he was fortunate enough to squeeze himself in at a spot at the bar, and as he was standing there, a young man--recently 21--came in and stood next to him. The young man proceeded to ask the VERY busy bartender if he could peruse the old log book which is kept behind the bar. The bartender told him that she was too busy to give him the log book at the moment, to which he replied, "It's really important."

So, the bartender relented and gave him the old log book. The young man explained to Larry that back in 1982 when he was born, his dad had come into McSorley's after the birth of his new son, and signed an entry in the log book, and addressed it to his son. He explained to the young man that when he turned 21, he should go to McSorley's, ask for the log book, and read what he had written.

As Larry watched, the young man flipped through the old yellowed pages of the smoky log book until he found what he was looking for: his father's handwriting and his entry. As he read the words that his father had written to him 21 years ago, the young man began to cry, and so did Larry. Larry was so moved by the whole IDEA of the entry that this man left for his (then) newborn son, and the love with which it was done, that Larry asked for the new log book that is in use. He opened to a blank page and with tears streaming down his face as he moved his pen across the page, he addressed a small entry to his 3-year-old son, Jack, in the hopes that when Jack turns 21 and goes to visit the big city, he will find the tiny little bar called McSorley's Old Ale House and he will read what his dad wrote to him, and know how much he loves him.

After we heard this story from Larry, of course, Jen also asked for the log book. Not wanting her daughters to feel left out, Jen opened to the page on which Larry had written his entry, and pen in hand, began to write her own meaningful entry to their daughters:

To my girls,

Daddy forgot to write to you...

That's our Jen for ya.


Well, ok...maybe we weren't ever on 5th Avenue--but we were on 7th. And, maybe we weren't all wearing flip flops--but Jen was...sort of. (Some big-assed Sketcher sandal-y type things that made some sort of combination of "flip" and "squeak" noise as she walked.) But, those 2 components aside, WE SURE AS HELL WERE ALL DRUNK!

The rest of the trip was a hoot and consisted of all of us getting WAY too drunk and trying to navigate our way around the city. It was a wild time. So much so, that we decided to skip the 9pm bus and lollygag around the town some more, and just catch the last bus home, which was midnight. By that point, we were all pretty well spent, and ended our evening with nightcaps at the ESPN Zone bar, and then the Port Authority Bar (classy).

All in all, it was a great day/night.

The next morning, however, was not so great for me, as I had a colossal headache and was quite nauseus all day--AND I had to be at the PA German Festival by 7am to park cars all day in the hot sun. It may have gone down in history as one of my all-time great hangovers. I am not looking to repeat that anytime soon.

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There's a dream where the contents are visible
Where the poetic champions compose...

~Van Morrison, "Queen of the Slipstream"

Edgar Allan Poe

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