Poetic Champions Compose

~~She'll loan you her toothbrush, She'll bartend your party~~

EMAIL ME! -- pesadidas[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

Monday, February 28, 2005
  9+: And if Angel's dad says so, it must be true.
That's the forecast for our region. 9+ inches of snow by (probably) midnight. I think it's safe to say we will probably have a day off from work tomorrow. I am not happy about that. That means we lose a day at Easter. Hmmph. I am still keeping fingers crossed for the ever-popular 2-hour delay. That's the BEST. Go to work 2 hours late--and NOT get in trouble for it. And, it still counts as a full day. Excellent.

So, this evening, I am working under the assumption that I won't have to work (at least not very hard) tomorrow. Hence, I am writing here, in this blog. And, truthfully, what could be better than sitting in front of a laptop, drinking a beer as a thick blanket of snow covers the ground outside?

Lots of things. I know. You're right.

Anyway, I suppose that many of you (and by "many," I mean the 3 of you who still read here) have noticed that the so-called "flurry" of activity on this weblog has subsided somewhat. It was short-lived. But, what else would you expect from me? Seriously.

So, since my last post, there are a few things that have popped up that I need to talk about.

1) I am such a schmuck for being FIVE years behind the times. But, dude, I don't have HBO. And I don't have Showtime. Anyway, with my recent joining of the Blockbuster Online video rental jawn, I have basically filled my virtual queue with enough discs to last me until I am ready to retire. And, about 98% of the discs in my queue are DVD sets of television shows.

The first show I put in my queue (can you tell I just like using the word "queue"? It's so damn British....): Six Feet Under: The Complete First Season. My question to you, internet, is this: WHY HAD NO ONE TOLD ME OF THE WONDER THAT IS THIS SHOW BEFORE??? Oh. My. GAWD. I freakin' LURVE this show.

And, now, as I am for the first time experiencing what everyone else on the planet did 5 years ago, I find out that HBO has announced that this current season of 6FU will be its last.

WHY??!??!? WHY, HBO, WHY??!??


Oh, David, I hardly knew ye...

2) I also rented The L Word: Season One. Um....

Holy crap.

That's one sexxxxxxy show.

But, at the same time, deep, and hilarious, and really great. I will continue watching, fo' sho'.

Tori Amos 'The Beekeeper'3) My latest musical acquisition: Tori Amos's The Beekeeper.

What a great album! I guess that Tori could sing basically anything, and I would probably like it. Except for when she sang "The Wheels on the Bus" at the last live show I attended. That I didn't like.

But seriously, I really like this album. And, it has a whopping 19 songs on it! It's HUGE. However, after watching the DVD of interviews with Tori that came along with the "deluxe" version of the cd, I am quite certain of her complete nuttiness. She's a unique one, but that is why we love her.

And, in related news, we got tickets for Tori's show at the Kimmel Center in April. It's her Original Sinsuality Tour. Oh yeah. I can't wait!

4) (Yes, I am still rambling.) Tonight is the finale of The Bachelorette. I am almost too disgusted to watch. Last time, Meredith let THE nicest guy, Matthew Hiccup (or whatever his last name was), walk away. Now, this time around, Jen has done the same thing--only one round earlier. She gave Ryan, the teacher to whom she SWORE money was no issue, his walking papers last week. I just have this feeling that she will pick creepy John Paul and his freakish upper lip because he has the cash...

5) Don't forget: tomorrow night is the premire of the next The Amazing Race!


That's enough now... I wonder if 9+ really refers to the amount of snow, or the length of this post...
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There's a dream where the contents are visible
Where the poetic champions compose...

~Van Morrison, "Queen of the Slipstream"

Edgar Allan Poe

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I cannot tell a lie...
She's a Maniac, MAAAA-niac on the Floor...
Harbinger of Doom?
You're team number one!
What the F?!?
The Big "O"
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The weather outside IS frightful...
From Beneath You, It Devours

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  • What I am READING Now...

    Check out the list in my posts for current summer reads...


    FX's Buffy Site
    Yzerman Cup Fantasy Hockey
    Garrison Starr Official Site
    Dubya Speak
    Official Ellen DeGeneres site
    The Onion
    Eddie Bauer Online

    BUFFY Quotes of the Day
    Anya: It's possible that he's in the land of perpetual Wednesday, or the crazy melty land, or you know, th-the world without shrimp.
    Tara: There's a world without shrimp? I'm allergic.

    ~from "Triangle"

    Anya: I don't see you winning too many beauty contests... unless the Miss "My Face Fell Off" Pageant gets going.

    ~from "Bargaining: Part Two"

    Anya: Here's a little something you should know about Vengeance Demons. We don't groove with the "sorry." We prefer the "Oh God, please stop hitting me with my own rib-bones!"

    ~from "Same Time, Same Place"

    Buffy: It's just like, nothing's simple. I'm always trying to work it out. Who to hate, or love...who to trust...It's like the more I know, the more confused I get.
    Giles: I believe thats called growing up.
    Buffy: I'd like to stop then, ok?

    ~from "Lie to Me"

    Riley: Got big stories to tell you, too. We get half a sec, we can compare and contrast.
    Buffy: Did you die?
    Riley: No.
    Buffy: I'm gonna win.

    ~from "As You Were"

    Xander: Giles lived for school. He's still bitter there were only 12 grades.
    Buffy: He probably sat in math class thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier!"

    ~from "The Dark Age"

    Giles: In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may have appeared to change.

    ~from "Lessons"

    Dawn: How are you?
    Willow: A little confused. I mean, I'm sweaty, I'm trapped, no memory, hiding in a pipe from a vampire...and I think I'm kinda gay.

    ~from "Tabula Rasa"


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    iPod Mini

    I'm beginning to understand this now. It's all about the journey, isn't it?

    ~Giles, "Restless"

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