Poetic Champions Compose

~~She'll loan you her toothbrush, She'll bartend your party~~

EMAIL ME! -- pesadidas[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

Saturday, July 03, 2004
  And, I'm all ferhoodled.
Postage here has been slim once again due to my annual employment in the parking lots of the PA German Festival. For 9 days every summer, I help out at the festival and park more cars than I have ever seen. Each year, this thing gets bigger. And, seemingly hotter. Standing in the hot summer sun for 8 hours straight with absolutely NO shade in sight is NOT fun. So anyway...

Tomorrow is the last day of this freakin' festival, and it is a damn good thing. I am about to kill myself or someone else. As the week continues, more and more people seem to have forgotten how to drive. Today was insane as far as the number of cars that came rolling in. We started parking when the gates opened at 9 and didn't stop until 3pm. I have never seen so many cars all in one place; the director of the festival says he thinks it is the highest one-day attendance ever.

There was also a new record set for the quilt sale; a prize-winning quilt was auctioned off for (are you ready for this?)....$8,250. OVER EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS. That's crazy money.

On a more positive slant, after 9 days of standing in direct sunlight for 8 hours straight, I am certainly quite bronzed. Yes, I am dark and lovely, just like the hair care kit.I can't wait to try to show off my tan (which, by the way, stops at my sleeves and shorts and socks).

Other news on the horizon: word is just in that George W. Bush will be making a stop in my tiny little town to visit our university on Friday. Maybe I can get close enough to spit on him. I hope the movie theater here holds a special screening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" that day.

It's quite incredible, but this is the second time (in as many presidents) that a sitting president will visit this town. Several years ago, then-President Clinton came for a visit here, as well.

Apparently, Dubya's worried that he has pissed off even the staunchest members of his conservative Republican base here in Berks County--the PA Dutchmen. If there is one thing about a Dutchman that can be said, they are damn stubborn, and they hold grudges. I have talked to a lot of people about this upcoming election, and I can confidently say that there are a lot of registered old conservative Republicans (most of whom are of PA Dutch descent) who are most definitely NOT voting for Bush in November, and there is no changing their minds.


And now, I am off to have my schnitz und gnepp. Ah, the one good part of the festival--the food.
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Let me take your hand, I'm shaking like milk
"Ask around, look it up. 'Slayer, comma the?' " ~B...
Yo, G.
One down...
The Somewhat-Less-Than-Full Monty
but on the other hand, resistance was obviously us...
I can't believe I am posting this.

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  • What I am READING Now...

    Check out the list in my posts for current summer reads...


    FX's Buffy Site
    Yzerman Cup Fantasy Hockey
    Garrison Starr Official Site
    Dubya Speak
    Official Ellen DeGeneres site
    The Onion
    Eddie Bauer Online

    BUFFY Quotes of the Day
    Anya: It's possible that he's in the land of perpetual Wednesday, or the crazy melty land, or you know, th-the world without shrimp.
    Tara: There's a world without shrimp? I'm allergic.

    ~from "Triangle"

    Anya: I don't see you winning too many beauty contests... unless the Miss "My Face Fell Off" Pageant gets going.

    ~from "Bargaining: Part Two"

    Anya: Here's a little something you should know about Vengeance Demons. We don't groove with the "sorry." We prefer the "Oh God, please stop hitting me with my own rib-bones!"

    ~from "Same Time, Same Place"

    Buffy: It's just like, nothing's simple. I'm always trying to work it out. Who to hate, or love...who to trust...It's like the more I know, the more confused I get.
    Giles: I believe thats called growing up.
    Buffy: I'd like to stop then, ok?

    ~from "Lie to Me"

    Riley: Got big stories to tell you, too. We get half a sec, we can compare and contrast.
    Buffy: Did you die?
    Riley: No.
    Buffy: I'm gonna win.

    ~from "As You Were"

    Xander: Giles lived for school. He's still bitter there were only 12 grades.
    Buffy: He probably sat in math class thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier!"

    ~from "The Dark Age"

    Giles: In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may have appeared to change.

    ~from "Lessons"

    Dawn: How are you?
    Willow: A little confused. I mean, I'm sweaty, I'm trapped, no memory, hiding in a pipe from a vampire...and I think I'm kinda gay.

    ~from "Tabula Rasa"


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    I'm a Woman, so, my mood is always subject to change, but at the moment it's... The current mood of PDawg at www.imood.com

    iPod Mini

    I'm beginning to understand this now. It's all about the journey, isn't it?

    ~Giles, "Restless"

    The End of an Era

    Once More, From the Top...