Poetic Champions Compose

~~She'll loan you her toothbrush, She'll bartend your party~~

EMAIL ME! -- pesadidas[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
  From Beneath You, It Devours
Buffy Season 7It has been a long time in coming, but I finally have my complete set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs. Last week, the Buffy Season 7 box set was released, just in time for Thanksgiving break. I spent this past weekend watching some of my favorite episodes of season 7, and then viewing almost all of the episodes that feature commentary.

I started off with "Storyteller," the episode in which once-evil Andrew attempts to document the battle with The First--and in turn, videotapes and melodramaticizes everyone and everything in the Summers' home. It is one of my favorite episodes of the entire seven years of the show, simply because of the hilarity that is Andrew. The fantasy sequences are great ("In my plan, we are beltless"; "We are as Gods!"), and Tom Lenk is fantastic.

The second episode I watched was "Selfless," which is the Anya backstory. Seeing the many incarnations of Aud/Anyanka/Anya was terrific--and the long-standing jokes about Anya being referenced once again are great. (Fear of bunnies?) It's worth it just for the scenes of Emma Caulfield and Abraham Benrube--making a return appearance as "Olaf" (the Troll from season 5's "Triangle") speaking "Swedish."

Some other excellent and notable episodes from this season that I watched--which, by the way, also have commentary:
  • "Lies My Parents Told Me"
  • "Conversations With Dead People"
  • "The Killer In Me"
Then of course, there is the series finale, "Chosen," written and directed by series creator Joss Whedon. I haven't yet sat down to watch the commentary for this one, but I am sure I will during my 5 days off. I also have neglected the Special Features for these discs so far, but, again, I know I will get to those soon enough.

For me, there are a few characteristics that stand out in my mind when I think of season 7.
  1. Kennedy must die. I hated this character--perhaps because I was such a diehard Willow/Tara fan--but, nonetheless, I hated Kennedy.
  2. The return to the beginning. Many, many characters from seasons past make re-appearances--if only briefly--and the original idea of female empowerment comes to fruition.
  3. Aly Hannigan sure can emote. Some of THE most powerful and heartbreaking moments in this season (and the whole series, for that matter) come from Alyson Hannigan and her remarkable ability to cry, and in turn, make us as the audience feel Willow's pain.
  4. Shirtless Spike. Did James Marsters have a shirt this season?
  5. Too many damn Potentials.
Safe to say I am excited for a break from work, where I can curl up with my 7 years-worth of Buffy DVDs, pick out some of my favorite episodes, and watch the good times.

It's a very special Sunnydale Thanksgiving.

Have a wonderful Turkey Day, everyone.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
  Want Two?...Yes, Please.
Want TwoMan, I know I have gushed on this blog before about Rufus Wainwright, but, I am going to have to do it AGAIN.

Rufus released his new CD + DVD Want Two on Tuesday. As a sign of my devotion to Rufus, I traveled all over creation after school Tuesday evening until I found the coveted disc set. I checked Best Buy--nothing. Target? Nada. (But I did pick up the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7 DVD's while there to FINALLY complete my set! But, that's a whole 'nother post...) Finally, I resorted to what I will NEVER EVER do. I went to Barnes & Noble. There, on the shelf, sat one lonely copy of Want Two. $23.00 later, I was in my car, ripping open the discs to listen to on the drive home. I was almost pissed enough to yell at someone at Best Buy when I didn't find it there, but ironically, tonight, while browsing around the store with the Suz, I stumbled across all the copies of Want Two in the "R" section of the cds. Apparently Best Buy is now run by morons. (November is alphabetize by FIRST name month!)

I must say, that upon first listen, I didn't know what to make of this Want Two. However, after several listens, I can confidently say that I like it. (But, what Rufus don't I like?) Also, the bonus live DVD is WELL worth the cash I shelled out for the disc. Rufus is amazing live, and I have already watched the DVD about 4 times.

So, my offering for you, my faithful reader, is from the Want Two disc. The one song that I knew I was going to love, from the first moment is this one. It is called "The Art Teacher," and Rufus sings from the perspective of a woman, looking back on her younger years in Catholic school, and her infatuation with her art teacher. There is an amazing poigniancy to the song, and for reasons that are inexplicable to me, I am captivated by it. I listen to the lyrics over and over, and Rufus's voice... and I am moved. So, give it a listen. See what you think.

Rufus Wainwright -- The Art Teacher

All gone.
There's a dream where the contents are visible
Where the poetic champions compose...

~Van Morrison, "Queen of the Slipstream"

Edgar Allan Poe

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Four Emus
Promises were MADE to be broken.
Oh. My. God. An ACTUAL POST.
That's Gonna Leave a Mark...
This One's For Gretchen...
Anyone can make it if they learn how to shake it.
Back in the saddle...
Gig'em THIS.

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  • What I am READING Now...

    Check out the list in my posts for current summer reads...


    FX's Buffy Site
    Yzerman Cup Fantasy Hockey
    Garrison Starr Official Site
    Dubya Speak
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    Eddie Bauer Online

    BUFFY Quotes of the Day
    Anya: It's possible that he's in the land of perpetual Wednesday, or the crazy melty land, or you know, th-the world without shrimp.
    Tara: There's a world without shrimp? I'm allergic.

    ~from "Triangle"

    Anya: I don't see you winning too many beauty contests... unless the Miss "My Face Fell Off" Pageant gets going.

    ~from "Bargaining: Part Two"

    Anya: Here's a little something you should know about Vengeance Demons. We don't groove with the "sorry." We prefer the "Oh God, please stop hitting me with my own rib-bones!"

    ~from "Same Time, Same Place"

    Buffy: It's just like, nothing's simple. I'm always trying to work it out. Who to hate, or love...who to trust...It's like the more I know, the more confused I get.
    Giles: I believe thats called growing up.
    Buffy: I'd like to stop then, ok?

    ~from "Lie to Me"

    Riley: Got big stories to tell you, too. We get half a sec, we can compare and contrast.
    Buffy: Did you die?
    Riley: No.
    Buffy: I'm gonna win.

    ~from "As You Were"

    Xander: Giles lived for school. He's still bitter there were only 12 grades.
    Buffy: He probably sat in math class thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier!"

    ~from "The Dark Age"

    Giles: In the end, we are all who we are, no matter how much we may have appeared to change.

    ~from "Lessons"

    Dawn: How are you?
    Willow: A little confused. I mean, I'm sweaty, I'm trapped, no memory, hiding in a pipe from a vampire...and I think I'm kinda gay.

    ~from "Tabula Rasa"


    101 Reasons Why I Love Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I'm a Woman, so, my mood is always subject to change, but at the moment it's... The current mood of PDawg at www.imood.com

    iPod Mini

    I'm beginning to understand this now. It's all about the journey, isn't it?

    ~Giles, "Restless"

    The End of an Era

    Once More, From the Top...